Home Prices

For Sellers The Number One Mistake Sellers Are Making: Overpricing Their House In today’s housing market, many sellers are making a critical mistake: overpricing their houses. This common error can lead to a home sitting on the market for a long time without any offers. And when that happens, the homeowner may have to drop their asking price to try to re-ignite buyer interest. Data from Realtor.com shows the number of homeowners realizing this […]
For Buyers Is Affordability Starting To Improve? Over the past couple of years, a lot of people have had a hard time buying a home. And while affordability is still tight, there are signs it’s getting a little better and might keep improving throughout the rest of the year. Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), says: “Housing affordability is improving ever […]
For Buyers Are Home Prices Going To Come Down? Today’s headlines and news stories about home prices are confusing and make it tough to know what’s really happening. Some say home prices are heading for a correction, but what do the facts say? Well, it helps to start by looking at what a correction means. Here’s what Danielle Hale, Chief Economist at Realtor.com, says:  “In stock […]
For Buyers A Newly Built Home May Actually Be More Budget-Friendly If you’re in the market to buy a home, there’s some exciting news for you. Many people assume that newly built homes are more expensive than existing ones (houses that have already been lived in), but that’s not always the case. In fact, exploring newly built homes can sometimes lead to more cost-effective options, especially today. […]
For Buyers Unlocking Homebuyer Opportunities in 2024 There’s no arguing this past year has been difficult for homebuyers. And if you’re someone who has started the process of searching for a home, maybe you put your search on hold because the challenges in today’s market felt like too much to tackle. You’re not alone in that. A Bright MLS study found some of the top reasons buyers paused […]
For Buyers Real Estate Still Holds the Title of Best Long-Term Investment With all the headlines circulating about home prices and mortgage rates, you may be asking yourself if it still makes sense to buy a home right now, or if it’s better to keep renting. Here’s some information that could help put your mind at ease by showing that investing in a home is still a powerful decision. According to the experts […]
Home Prices Housing Market Forecast for the 2nd Half of 2024   Some Highlights Wondering what the second half of the year holds for the housing market? Here’s what expert forecasts say. Home prices are expected to climb moderately. Mortgage rates are forecast to come down slightly. And, home sales are projected to hold steady. If you have questions about what to expect for the rest of the year, let’s connect so we can have a conversation about what it […]
For Buyers Focus on Time in the Market, Not Timing the Market Should you buy a home now or should you wait? That’s a big question on many people’s minds today. And while what timing is right for you will depend on a lot of other personal factors, here’s something you may not have considered. If you’re able to buy at today’s rates and prices, it may be better to focus on time in […]
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For Buyers Housing Market Forecast: What’s Ahead for the 2nd Half of 2024 As we move into the second half of 2024, here’s what experts say you should expect for home prices, mortgage rates, and home sales. Home Prices Are Expected To Climb Moderately Home prices are forecasted to rise at a more normal pace. The graph below shows the latest forecasts from seven of the most trusted sources in the industry: […]
For Buyers Home Prices Aren’t Declining, But Headlines Might Make You Think They Are If you’ve seen the news lately about home sellers slashing prices, it’s a great example of how headlines do more to terrify than clarify. Here’s what’s really happening with prices. The bottom line is home prices are higher than they were a year ago at this time, and they’re expected to keep rising, just at a slower […]
Home Prices Your Agent Is the Key To Pricing Your House Right   Some Highlights The asking price for your house can impact your bottom line and how quickly it sells. Both under- and overpricing have drawbacks. So to find the right price for your house, lean on your agent for their expertise. Don’t pick just any price for your listing. Trust your real estate professional to help you find the perfect […]
For Buyers What’s Next for Home Prices and Mortgage Rates? If you’re thinking of making a move this year, there are two housing market factors that are probably on your mind: home prices and mortgage rates. You’re wondering what’s going to happen next. And if it’s worth it to move now, or better to wait it out. The only thing you can really do is make the best decision you can […]
For Buyers Home Prices Are Climbing in These Top Cities Thinking about buying a home or selling your current one to find a better fit? If so, you might be wondering what’s going on with home prices these days. Here’s the scoop. The latest national data from Case-Shiller and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) shows they’re going up (see graphs below): As you can see, home prices were rising for most of 2023. But […]